Monday, November 28, 2005


I went to a wedding reception yesterday evening (on a Sunday, yes, I know). There was no coat check, but there was a rack to hang coats on. I hung it at a specific spot so I would remember where I hung my coat. When I went to go leave for the evening, someone had taken my coat! I can understand that some coats look similar, but didn't the person put it on and realize it wasn't there coat? Unless they're the same body size, have a coat in the same shade of gray, and have the same stick and flavor of chapstick in the right pocket.... Bloody hell. So annoying. Whatever, it's an excuse to go look for a fly new coat. Things happen for a reason - maybe it was just time for me and the coat to part ways. I did love it so.

And a totally dumb thing that happened to me this morning. I have an average 30 minute train ride. When I catch the express it's a little less and when it's the local it's a little bit more. Either way, not bad. It's better than driving into Newark during rush house every morning. I have a chance to review for class or to catch a quick nap. Today, I chose the latter. When I do choose to nap on the train, it's a half sleep - more like rest for my eyes. I wake up every few minutes and check what stop we're at. This morning, I was doing the same, just as I've done. For some reason, the last time I wake up, I look out the window, we're stopped at Newark. I look up, the train's empty. I'd just passed out and hadn't woken up until some random announcement at the train station! I gather my things and go to walk out, and the door to exit the train is shut. Luckily, one of the ticket-guys was walking towards me and I caught his attention. He looked at me like I was a total idiot, even before I explained how I was still on the train. "I passed out and no one woke me." He continued to look at me like I was a total idiot. He then popped a key into some hole near the door and opened it up for me. "You're lucky this train wasn't headed towards thd yard." Yes, thank you, Mr. Train-Man, for making me feel so much better.

And now I'm sitting in Contracts. Oh happy day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh man~
That sucks that you passed out! You must've been pretty damn tired! I actually remember from when I was in college that I'd fall asleep,then wake up realizing either A) I'm late for class or B) I missed it.....

November 29, 2005 5:59 PM  
Blogger sherni said...

Ah, the coat stealing sucks. But it's not as weird as losing one shoe at the Gurdwara. Yes, one. Who the hell walks away with one shoe? At least take both of them!

December 08, 2005 6:58 PM  

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