Wednesday, October 19, 2005

My Inaugural Post - Hoorah!

So.... I've never been much of a fan of "blogging"; in fact, I'm one of "those" who would joke around and say, "hehe blog *this*." I tried doing the LiveJournal thing. Something about it just didn't do it for me. It didn't inspire me to blog often at all. But whatever. What's past is past.

So what do I wish to share/discuss/rave about/rant about on this blog? Random thoughts on objects of my obsession, namely music, Punjabi culture, sex, poetry, Canadians, worldly things, humanistic things, funny things, fobby things, sexy things, sexy fobby things, existential things, superficial things, philosophy, gender roles, dance, religion, some hippie crap, law, television, and Punjabi music. (List subject to change.)

Today's object of:

Affection: In Living Color.

I happened to click over to BET around 11pm last night, and *gasp* I came across In Living Color! Sweet, sweet satisfaction!! I missed you, Homey the Clown! My eyes sought out JLo from her pre-Selena days, when she was just a budding, Mexican-looking Rosie Perez protegé (in terms of dancing, sheesh). My efforts were in vain. The episode was from the first couple of seasons. JLo didn't really add anything to the show, I was just looking for her for kicks. I actually prefer the earlier seasons. I was a wee babe when the show originally aired, but I enjoyed it then, and I enjoy it even more now. 80% of the former cast has gone on to bigger and better things- we've all seen their growth and the extreme progression of their careers. But, if you made me pick, I would still take a Homey the Clown or Fire Marshall Bill sketch over an episode of My Wife and Kids or an airing of Ace Ventura: Pet Detective on tv any day. *sigh* I miss it.

Hateration: Juggy D.

Some folks consider this fella the cat's pajamas. I won't say he's awful. I'll just think it. (Kidding.) Well, let me put it like this - that pop sludge doesn't really do it for me. I don't want to dance to it, and I can't vibe to it, and I can't lose myself in it from any angle. If I dissect it, I can sometimes find a beat I can tolerate. But then I have to ignore his voice, poorly pronounced Punjabi, and consistently bad/shallow lyrics. I feel like all he does is write down the words "nach", "sohniye", "aja", "karda", and "dil", on scraps of paper, stick them on the wall, and throw numbered darts at them, so he can arbitrarily combine them into lyrics for his next song. He probably has his mummy fill in the gaps. Everyone has a dance/catchy song whose lyrics may be basic, but, this seems to be a consistent formula that dear Jug-a-Loo follows. However, it's apparently working for him; the general music-buying population tends to eat up processed pop music, no matter what language it's in. Now, I concede that there are other pop artists whose work I do consider much worse than Jugger-Bugger's. The eyes in my head may roll backwards when I listen to his lyrics, but his tunes can still be catchy, even though I'll scold myself if I find one of his tracks stuck in my head. But I don't know what it is about him- something makes me hate on him much more than the others. I can easily recall mentioning to a couple of my buddies/acquaintances in the PMI (Punjabi Music Industry), and to, well actually, pretty much anyone that the topic came up in the presence of, that I couldn't stand Juggy McJuggerson. Actually, what I specifically have said on more than one occasion is, "Juggy D's a fag." I said that once to someone who was a buddy of his - I realized this after I'd made the statement, of course. The guy just had this look on his face, and said, "Um, but why do you think so?" And I explained, even once I figured out that Juggles the Clown was, at the very least, an acquaintance of this person's. I still didn't care. Because I'm a badass. What is JugDeep going to do to me? I think I could beat him in a fight. I hear he's little.

Ok, Juggy D, let's make a bargain- I won't mind you making music so much if you'll consider not singing or writing the lyrics so much.... deal? Booyaka.


Blogger Qalandar said...


October 20, 2005 1:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why Canadians? You're Amrikan right?


October 25, 2005 12:04 PM  
Blogger Musiqal Light said...

I am indeed Amreekan - I just find Canadians intriguing. What's this bull with milk in bags?

October 25, 2005 12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's only Ontario where they have milk in bags. I found that weird too, when I lived there, but somehow I found myself adapting to the local custom. Then when I moved out of province, back to cartons! You hardly think twice about local customs once you adopt.

But in the defense of bags - they save space in your fridge cuz you can put them on top of each other. Brilliant, innit? And never had a leak, if that's what you were worried about.

October 25, 2005 1:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wanna hear something crazy? I actually own "In Living Color:Season One" on DVD :)

December 02, 2005 1:46 PM  

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